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- 3 easy ways to share a laugh with your husband
3 easy ways to share a laugh with your husband
Or at least a sensible chuckle

Marriage can get too serious sometimes.
Yeah, there’s important stuff to handle like errands, bills, kids, and a mountain of laundry that just won’t die…
But when it’s all work and no play? Life can feel dull and lonely.
Here’s the good news: If you and your husband haven’t laughed much lately, it doesn’t mean anything is wrong with your relationship.
It just means life is doing its thing.
And most of us react by instinctively copying our parents and acting like serious adults (I see it all the time as a marriage coach).
If you can relate to this, it might help to know that it’s ridiculously easy to lighten things up.
A great way to do this is to share a laugh with your husband 😄
Just do something a little different to snap yourselves out of your routine and remember what it feels like to have some fun.
Some of these ideas might seem ridiculous (they do to me, and I made this list), but try to roll with them.
Treat them as inspiration.
You know your husband better than anyone, which means you’ll know better than anyone how to make him crack a smile.
Here’s how to get started.
1. Crack an inside joke
Inside jokes are like your relationship’s secret handshake crossed with a reminder that you two are on the same team.
Try this:
Text him a meme that captures the raccoon-like way you often raid the fridge at night
Hit him with a “Remember when we…” (Bonus points if it involves a close call with the law.)
Send a video that hits that weird funny bone you both share. (You know the one.)
2. Launch a fun sneak attack
This isn’t about grand, elaborate pranks — just tiny, ridiculous moments that catch him off guard.
And don’t overthink it. In fact, the less you think it through, the funnier it’ll probably be.
Try this:
Slip a silly note into his lunch. (“Your wife thinks you’re a smoke show. Don’t show this to your coworkers.”)
Change his phone background to his most handsomest high school yearbook photo
Give him a crazy nickname for the day. ("Sir Bilkington III, Lord of the Xbox.")
3. Challenge him to an absurd duel
Here’s a handy secret: a little competition can be a lot of fun.
Try this:
Challenge him to Rock Paper Scissors. Loser gives a massage. (Or gets takeout. Then there’s no loser!)
Hit him with a weird "Would you rather?" ("Would you rather fight 100 duck-sized horses or one horse-sized duck?")
Recruit the kids and make them judge a dance-off. No dignity allowed.
The first few times you try something might feel a little awkward, but that’s kind of the point – it’s time to step out of stuffy comfort zones.
So send that meme.
Try that silly nickname.
Hit him with your most embarrassing dance move.
Before you know it, these silly, happy moments won’t be something you have to plan.
They’ll just be part of your silly, happy marriage again.