This is holding you back from changing your relationship
What opportunities for change have you passed up because you were waiting for a sign?
The best thing I did for my relationship
The best thing I did for my relationship with Sunaina happened before we ever met.
Say this to your anxious partner
This is a powerful way to show your love and acceptance to your partner.
Do you feel appreciated by your partner?
It’s not like you can ask your partner to appreciate everything you do for them.
Or can you???
How to stop compromising and start getting what you want
You don’t have to sacrifice what you want anymore.
Why you shouldn’t compromise with your partner
Constantly compromising with your partner can cause resentment and drive a wedge between you both.
Say this when you feel triggered
This is such a common challenge in relationships that you can never have too many ways to tackle it.
How to make Valentine's Day feel special (and not terrible)
There’s an art to making Valentine’s Day not terrible.
Slow down to find solutions in your relationship
It takes patience to get past relationship challenges.
Schedule time for your relationship this year
There’s only ONE WAY to make a relationship goal a reality: Make time for it.
How to celebrate the good times together
You don’t need to spend money or throw a party to celebrate with your partner in a way that strengthens your relationship.
How to discover what’s missing in your life and make a plan to get it back
Learning how to practice meaningful self-care is one of the best things you can do for your relationship and one of the best things you can do for yourself.
What to say so your partner ‘won’t take it personally’
Things “get personal” when you and your partner play the blame game.
How to talk about your feelings and needs
We often think we need the “perfect” words to express ourselves, but we don’t.
What our toddler taught us about understanding
Toddlers aren’t the only ones who want to be understood.
Every relationship needs self-empathy (and coffee)
It sounds counter intuitive: How can something called self-empathy help your partner???
How do you know you’re with the right person?
If you’re not sure you’re with the right person, then you might be asking yourself the wrong question.
You’re allowed to ask your partner for what they want
We’re ALL guilty of expecting our partners to be able to read our minds from time to time. But we don’t have to become mind readers to help each other the way we want.